Silhouette of Juliet on top of a mountain holding a camera at golden hour

Hi, I'm Juliet,

I'm passionate about crafting intuitive and enjoyable user experiences. My strengths lie in creating effective information architecture and user flows, ensuring that customers can effortlessly navigate and find what they're looking for. I thrive on tackling complex design challenges to optimize website efficiency and user satisfaction.

I took an untraditional path to UX to design, graduating with a degree in Biology, with a specialization in dolphin behavior and bioacoustics. This provided me with a solid foundation in research, behavior analysis, and keen observation skills. I taught myself UX design from countless youtube videos and online resources. I was excited to combine my passion for design, behavior, and research.

I’m the type of person who has a long list of restaurants organized in order of when I need to try them. I am a passionate world traveler (have visited every continent - except Antartica... but still impressive?). Recently, I have begun to pick up the high intensity sport of pickle ball where I still have not successfully won a rally.


My mix of tools, including the most up-to-date UX/UI software as well as the tried-and-true pen and paper.

figma logo
Adobe XD logo
notion logo
miro logo
Adobe Photoshop logo